
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Hey guys I've been thinking about what to call all you people who view my amazing blog .

from google.

Some names I've come up with are very ....... let's say not so catchy so the first thing I want to say is that in the comments please write what you think you guy's should be called and please make it appropriate for this blog. So what do you think? And while your at it, what are some more things I should do on my blog?

(This blog is kid and adult friendly)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

This prank you'll never forget.

Now instead of doing some arts and crafts or some  luxury things lets talk mysterious, funny "I'm laughing my head off" or "I can't believe I fell for that" ......... kind of PRANKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Image result for laughing emojiHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

from google

The first prank of my wonderful blog, is a classic, the one and only "I cut my self in the stomach with a knife!" prank. So..................

Here's what you'll need:

A really old T-shirt or a shirt you don't need

Some ketchup (for the blood)

Knife (plastic or real just don't hurt your self)

And some audience to fall for your amazing act

Some food (plastic or real to act like you're cutting something)

The first thing we need to do is to put the white or any coloured T-shirt on so it's not obvious that this is a prank.

Then, go into the kitchen act like your cutting some food, and while your audience are not looking put the ketchup on your shirt and then run to the audience and say "Help me I'm about to bleed to death!!!!!!" or what ever you want.
                             So at the end of this prank you'll finally be able to say "got ya, it was a prank the whole time!:  )"